is pluto a planet.

Earth will become a ring planet|
Some such facts of our solar system after knowing which you will be surprised. You will know that our moon is continuously moving 3.8 cm away from the earth every year. A time will come that after millions of years, the moon will look like a point. And at the same time our Sun will be in the process of becoming a red giant due to which a large amount of solar radiation will come out from the Sun. And the gravitational force of the Earth will increase, then our Moon will again start coming towards the Earth, then it will collide with the Earth.The earth will suffer a lot but the earth will also have a ring like other planets. This is being estimated by the scientists.
Pluto will become a habitable planet|
Pluto is such a planet that doejs not have any axis of its own, so at one time scientists refused to consider it as a planet. After 500 million years, the Sun will become very red and the volume of the Sun will increase so much that it will swallow even the Earth. After that the sunlight will start reaching Pluto and all the ice of Pluto will melt, then a habitable environment will be created in Pluto, then such creatures will be born which will make Pluto a habitable planet for living beings. Scientists also believe this.
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