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voyager 1 golden record ever.

NASA's Voyager 1 defected a strange sound Frome space || what is in space? 
NASA's Voyager 1

Space is as silent as it looks, in fact where so much is happening that neither we can hear nor understand, NASA's probe has recorded some strange air in space, after listening to which every human mind  Gets stunned. About 44 years ago today, on 5 September 1977, NASA sent 1 space probe to interstellar space, known as Space Probe Voyager One, which has been in contact with NASA's base station continuously for the last 44 years.

Hai Vizar One was sent on a mission from where there is no hope of returning, this space probe is traveling at a speed of 61500 km in deep space and at this time it is floating far away from us in the darkness of space.  Sending us information about our solar system and its and we also call this part of this page as interstellar space. 
One day after entering the interstellar space, NASA's scientist received such a signal from Voyager One, which everyone  It was goosebumps when that signal was recorded, it had such a strange sound that Wiser One recorded  What was that thing in the depths of space, crores of kilometers away from our world, whose sound had given goosebumps to the institutions, it was recorded about 1400 crore kilometers away from the sound and it was such a sound which was more or less  Institutions waited for many days but this sound was not ending, 1 year passed, then another year and then after 3 years, there was some decrease in the intensity of this strange sound.

This voice was the longest record recorded in the 44-year history of Wiser One, which gave sleepless nights to the institutions, but apart from this accommodation, another thing was continuously troubling the institutions, at which point Wiser One recorded this voice for the first time.  It was recorded that after full 3 years, he had gone 160 crore kilometers away from that point, but still this sound was the same. 
The value of 160 crore kilometers is such that it can be circled from earth to moon 4000 times.  We were hearing a sound that was spreading to such a great distance, this thing had kept big research and scientists awake, one thing was that there is definitely some such power hidden outside our solar system which is causing the sound.  But there is no air in space, so how was it recorded after all, the thing is that while going in space, there is no sound of anyone above, it can be known that if during the space walk, there is someone exactly equal to the sports.  Even if there is an explosion, he will see the explosion but will not hear it, but its sound will not reach the ears, the sound which needs air and atmosphere to reach our ears, both these things are not present in the space, that is why in the space  No sound is heard in it, sound cannot travel in it, but electromagnetic waves can travel, it is because of this magnetic web that scientists detect sound and record it and send it so that we can hear it, this was the unique sound which  It was mysterious.

This sound must have come from the travel of plan inclusions present in this space, while some say that there are definitely some forces present in deep space, due to whose energy this sound is generated, what are those forces, why they release this sound.  We humans do not have the ability to think, understand and know this, he captures this image from his antenna and converts it into a radio signal and then transfers it to the earth, of course this message travels at the speed of light.  Nevertheless, it takes 21 hours to reach the earth, this was not the first time, even before this, NASA has managed to record many unique sounds from space.  Some such signals were found in the space which were not normal in any way. Some such sounds started coming from the space which disappeared within half a second. Hearing these sounds, the scientists felt that an alien might be trying to attack the earth.  It was coming from the voice being recorded that something was going on about deep space.  The more we try to know, the more we will get entangled in the questions, it may be the result of a supernova explosion, this is the case, it is more advanced, it may have collided with us, but no one knows its real reality yet, this is a record  There is no need to go so far to do this that even our solar system had recorded more sounds, it has also recorded many such sounds which have put the whole world in trouble and this is its sound which is really going to give you goosebumps.  Voices are electromagnetics that create bowler lights, just as collar lights are seen on the sky in many parts of the Earth, similarly bowler lights are also made in Jupiter and it is possible that the sound that is produced in Jupiter cameon can meet the polar lights.  Whatever strange sound you have heard so far, it is not from anyone else but NASA has published the office and no editing has been done in them.

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