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How Earth become a habitable planet.

Earth born

At the time you are seeing, the land was boiling millions of years ago with a temperature of 8500 degrees Fahrenheit or was filled with ice thousands of years ago.  Both these things are together in that carrier universe used to have clouds of different types of dust particles. According to the scientist, there used to be a star far away from these clouds. Over time, the temperature of that star also decreased, due to which a huge explosion took place in it.  And from this explosion the dust started pressing together

Due to this pressure, it came into the cloud and turned into a meteorite. Due to this pressure, radioactive elements were also created. Hydrogen helium started accumulating in the middle, due to which the explosion caused our sun to be born.  The planet was also formed and from Mercury to Mars, it was formed, but the planet named Theia used to revolve around it, due to heavy gravity, it collided with the earth and some piece separated from the earth, due to gravity, then the moon was formed. 

Then it cooled down, gradually many meteorite bodies started falling in the earth and in which many elements were also present like water, carbon and salt etc. The meteorite body of the earth cooled down and it started filling the surface with water covered a third of.

At the same time, the Earth was cooling down, but the radioactive elements present inside the Earth kept the inner core of the Earth warm, and then the turn of the volcano came out and the flame of the Earth started coming out and due to which the surface started forming on the sea and  A large amount of carbon dioxide started coming out, due to which the earth started creating monsoon conditions, even then there was no atmosphere in the earth, due to which meteorites used to fall in the earth, the hot core of the earth, whose energy came to the outer core, used to cool down, at the same time, small particles in the sea  Micro-organisms began to flourish, they evolved from time to time, they all lived in groups, scientists believed that the first organism of this earth was green, which used to make its food from the photosynthesis of the sun and used to release oxygen in the faeces. Name of this organism (  Green Algae) is also said, due to its oxygen, oxygen started spreading in the earth and the atmosphere started to form.

Green alge

After the amount of sun in the earth was complete, that creature was killed, but the earth was filled with oxygen, there was iron and oxygen in the atmosphere, but the earth had become so cold that the whole earth was filled with ice, yet the flame  Mukhi started coming out, after that again the ice started melting from the volcano, inside the water, small organisms started using sunlight and started making complex, and the carbon dioxide coming out of the volcano started raining acid in the same atmosphere.  The cycle used to go on, due to which the creatures of the sea had adapted to the environment, but many creatures had become extinct, there was some decrease in the cycle, due to which the acid rain started decreasing, the cold started decreasing, due to which the trees had developed, now the tree named Mosos.  The plant started growing, at this time the length of the tree was about 10 storeys, trees started growing and sea creatures started coming to the land and started developing, it had evolved and turned into a land creature, then this creature had turned into a dinosaur, after that many  A big meteorite hits Geeta and destroys the whole earth, everyone gets killed.  Yes, the people living inside the ground are saved, but that devastation was as much as 10 thousand nuclear energy, the whole earth is filled with gas and radiation, then the atmosphere cycle starts, but it does not last long, the land creatures come out and develop.  and they gradually become like our ancestor Chimpanzee and it later takes the form of human being, at that time all the surface was in one place, which was named Pangaea, the rest of the ocean was known as Penthalasa, 650 million years ago, it was the same today.  The plate has broken to form a country or island.

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