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Time dilation real life example.

Do you know that there is time dilation every year on earth?

You would not have thought of such a thing on earth.  You must have felt that every year when the winter time and the summer time are longer or shorter, the time also changes.  

You must know that our earth revolves around the sun but it revolves around the axis of the ellipse. When the earth revolves around the ellipse axis, less and more light reaches somewhere because the center of the earth's axis is not in the middle.

Earth orbit

Space is like a sheet, the greater the gravity, the greater will be the space tension. Now let's find out why the earth's axis is in the ellipse, if a person throws something in the sky, as long as there is force in that thing  The more it goes up and then it comes down, something like this the axis of the earth is determined.  The Sun has so much gravity that the Sun's space tension is the highest among other planets, if you send something close to the Sun's space tension, it will start orbiting the Sun, its way of orbiting will be like an ellipse. 

 If you throw something in the sky, then it moves according to the force, similarly when that thing will go round, being attracted by the gravity of the sun, it will go round the sun and then it will come out at a high speed, when the force will be zero, then again it will go round the sun.  Attracted by the gravity of Sun, it will again start revolving round the Sun, in this process it will revolve according to the axis of the ellipse, for this reason the earth's axis is in the ellipse, if there is a difference of even 1 mm in it, then the earth will go in the circle of the Sun.  You can know how balanced our solar system is, why the axis is in the ellipse.  

Now you will know the thing that you must have seen that the earth rotates, so it remains close to the sun in summer and away from the sun in winter, at the same time there is a change in gravity and hair. 

More:- A thing left Frome the clutchef of a black hole 

You must have read that time according to gravity  Occurs when the gravity and light of being away from the Sun is less in winter, due to which the time becomes a little faster, when the Earth is closer to the Sun during the summer, at this time the Earth has more kinetic energy, due to which the Earth is moving at a higher speed.  

This whole fact that I told you, you must have felt at some point in time, time seems to run slowly in summer and fast in winter, scientists have also paid attention and researched what I am telling you.

More:-nearest black hole to earth

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