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What is it called when 2 black holes collide?

What is it called when 2 black holes collide?

If two black holes collide with each other, then there is a change in the planets present in the universe which are close to it and such gravitational waves are formed and due to being stronger, its radiation can cause a lot of damage to its habitable zone.

Friends, there are many such in this world which we cannot prove directly, yet we can guess, like how we came to the earth, which cannot be proved in a proven way, but can be guessed.  It is estimated that what will happen if two black holes collide, it can only be guessed.

The theory was created to study this phenomenon and this theory can also predict the future, such as time dilation and the theory of relativity, which states that space is a sheet here, when there is gravity or mass, there is a tension that  The perspective of seeing this world has changed and while traveling on mass travel, its tension also travels along with it.

As you know that nothing is faster than light, so the tension of gravity with the mass will also be like the speed of light.  While visiting a black hole, if another black hole comes there, both will start traveling among themselves, due to which a wave will be formed, as if they collide, there will be a huge explosion, which will be very huge, but it will not emit light because it is the smallest.occurs in quantity.

What happen when two black hole are collide.

An even bigger explosion occurs in a super massive black hole, which is found in the center of a galaxy. This massive black hole is equal to the mass of trillions of suns. 

Its explosion generates waves very far in space, which can be easily seen from Earth. A similar incident can be seen in 2015, in which two black holes were orbiting each other, in which the mass of the first black hole was equal to 60 suns and the second black hole was equal to 30 black holes, which collided in 25 minutes and (LiGO) in the Earth An organization called laser interference meter gravity observatory found out. In this organization, space waves are detected. 

In which there are two mirrors in the same distance and as soon as a wave comes from the universe, flares are generated there due to which A pattern of individual laser photons is formed which is studied in a graph. In some such space explosions are detected.

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