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Black hole

Friends, black hole is that thing from which no object can come out, it does not even release light with a speed of 3000, but scientists have come to know about such a thing that they were surprised. In the year 2011, scientists did this.  Claimed that a thing has been seen coming out of the gravity of the super massive black hole present in our Milky Way Galaxy, what was the thing that dodged the black hole.

Black hole

Let me tell you that even a thing as big as a coin is enough to destroy the earth, so what was special about that thing that escaped from the gravity of the black hole. The black hole has its own disk, in which many things are in it.  But recently one thing came to light that a small cloud named G-2 was moving out of the black hole. 

In 2011, scientists were probing towards the black hole, they saw that a cloud  Looked like a baby star, it was in the speed of 3 percent of the light, this phenomenon is called perinigricon in the scientific name, which keep roaming outside near the black hole. 

When he went near the black hole, he came under stress for some time but  He again returned to his state, after which scientists examined him for a year, later it was found that it was a group of two stars that were merging with each other, due to which its temperature was more than that of the Sun. 

 It is called hill mechanism, it came near the black hole, then the second star went into the black hole, but the first star went out, it was the first star in the world, which became black.  

The black hole had gone out of the black hole but the black hole had sucked half of its hydrogen fuel, turning it into a white dwarf. The star has two reasons to escape the black hole's clutches, the lower the mass, the more likely it is to survive.  And the less the density, the less the gravity will be, that is why he was able to get out, because of his high speed, his time slowed down a bit, so that he could get out in less time, is only the stars Can come out of the black hole or planets can also come out.

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